was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama. He was drafted into the army after high school and became a sergeant within 14 months of entering the military. He fought in the Vietnam War receiving a Purple Heart and many other metals. He is currently an Entrepreneur, and enjoys investing in real estate.
Knowing his wife for only 3 months, on September 18, 1970, Dr. Womack and Audrey Womack were joined in unity. They are the proud parents of seven children. Forty-three years later the Lord continuously strengthens them as they submit to each other. The Lord moved on Dr. Womack’s heart to attend Rhema Word of Faith School in 1981. He was licensed in 1982 and ordained in 1983 by the National Baptist Association under the late John D. Lands of Gloryland Baptist Church. In May of 2013 he was honored and received a doctorate of divinity from E.L. White Theological Seminary. Dr. Womack also has his certification in Christian Counseling.
Early in ministry, God deeply impressed Dr. Womack to teach the Body of Christ “how to walk by faith.” He started a Bible study in his home, and this humble beginning became Believers Faith Fellowship Church in 1985. His ministry has impacted the lives of many ministers/pastors in the city of Baton Rouge.
Dr. Womack is a member of the AIM (Association of Independent Ministers) under the direction of Drs. I.V. & Bridget Hilliard of Houston Texas. He is also an active member of M.O.V.E (Men of Valor Elite) under the leadership of Pastor Adam Richardson, Sr. He is the founder and president of God Comfort Ministerial Alliance, a foundation formed to help hold up the hands of the men of God. Dr. Womack is part of F.O.C.U.S (Fellowship of Churches for United Support).
Dr. Womack believes in teaching the uncompromised Word of God. The Lord has given Dr. Womack another assignment to teach on Healing. Look out for Dr. Womack soon released book entitled “The Seed Is in the Word.”