Founded in 2004, (S.M.A.R.T. non-profit organization committed to providing resources and services designed to strengthen relationships. SMART offers monthly seminars, counseling, and activities to help relationships and families stay united. All of these services are offered free of charge.

The Mission of Strengthening Marriages and Relationships Together is to help save marital, family, and personal relationships.

SMART’s goal is to educate and encourage spouses, family members, and individuals to read and gain knowledge about productive relationships and marriages.

"Through skillful and godly wisdom is a house a life, a home, a family, built and by understanding is it established on a sound and good foundation and by knowledge shall its chambers of every area be filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Proverbs 24:3-4 AMP

· SMART Valentine’s Gala
· SMART Vision Sunday
· FAR LIFT Monthly Women’s Round UP
(Far Above Rubies Ladies in Fellowship Together)
· Family Fun Trip
· Relationship Builder Saturday
· Parent’s Night Out
· Fall Family Conference